The MCC World metaverse build on the Shiku platform is a revolutionary experience that takes art exploration to the next level. The platform goes beyond art exhibitions, into the future by hosting exclusive virtual gatherings and Q&A events, creating a luxurious space for like-minded people to connect and interact with AI in a mind blowing way, from anywhere in the world.

Version 1 of the MCC metaverse showcases Conor Mccreedy's new body of Wildlife Alter Ego paintings in a virtual artist-inspired jungle. Visitors can explore the stunning beauty of the artworks in unprecedented ways, experiencing the textures, movements, and colours as never before, by walking up to certain paintings and viewing information points, the viewer has access to learning about the creational process, and giving collectors a profound and meaningful description behind a specific original painting.


Wildlife Alter Ego

The mystery of the colour blue has always been a powerful force in storytelling. It has been used to convey a wide range of emotions, from sadness and despair to joy and hope. In the narrative “Alter Ego Wildlife” directed by the artist, the colour blue serves as a powerful tool to explore the complex relationship between one self and a wild animal.

These wildlife paintings remind people of special moments in their lives by capturing the beauty and majesty of the natural world. They evoke memories of past adventures and personal moments spent in nature. The vibrant colours and intricate details of the animals bring to life the beauty of the wild, reminding us of the allure and serenity that can be found in nature. These paintings can also bring back fond memories of times spent with family and friends, reminding us of the importance of cherishing and protecting our natural world.