The mystery of the colour blue has always been a powerful force in storytelling. It has been used to convey a wide range of emotions, from sadness and despair to joy and hope. In the narrative “Alter Ego Wildlife” directed by the artist, the colour blue serves as a powerful tool to explore the complex relationship between one self and a wild animal. 

“Love is no more of a thing than the whisper of the wind through golden grass
Or the way that the light falls, dappled through a leafy canopy on the sand of a riverbed
It can sometimes be felt in the gentleness of the rising light of dawn
Or in the warmth of the morning sun on your face as you move in meditation over this landscape
Love is untouchable, just as the horizon that swells out – vast –  in front of you
Or the iridescence of the feathers of the sunbird as it feeds on the sweetness of life  
It lives in the rich, reflective texture of a leopard’s coat
And in the folds and fissures of the bark of an ancient Leadwood tree
Love is suspended in the sharp inhalation when the beauty of wilderness takes your breath away
Or in the weightlessness of a Bateleur eagle riding the thermals in the sky
Every so often, it can be witnessed in the quiet, elated celebration of shared experience
And in the moments of connection that transcend man and beast
It lives in the stories of the forest and in the song of the trees
Who hold both life’s experience of long ago and the promise of the future
It is in the heaviness of purple clouds before a summer downpour
And in the lightness of song and exhalation as this landscape receives rain
Love is tucked into a look as you catch each other’s eye
while the fire dances – free and unburdened – between you
When all is said and done, perhaps love can only be heard in the deep, guttural call
of a leopard walking through the night
Or in the timbre of a beautiful voice as it serenades you,

twisted together with the strum of a guitar in firelight

softly into the night

under the expansive

and all consuming

African sky”

These wildlife paintings remind people of special moments in their lives by capturing the beauty and majesty of the natural world. They evoke memories of past adventures and personal moments spent in nature. The vibrant colours and intricate details of the animals bring to life the beauty of the wild, reminding us of the allure and serenity that can be found in nature. These paintings can also bring back fond memories of times spent with family and friends, reminding us of the importance of cherishing and protecting our natural world.

The narrative follows the journey of the artist and his love for conservation, wildlife and especially wild cats. A young man, Mccreedy embarks on a journey to reconnect with his inner self. Along the way, he meets these wild animals, in the wild of course and without interaction as wild animals need to be left in their natural habitat. Mccreedy’s fascination for the leopard in particular is a deep passionate love story. The two form an unlikely bond, filled with enchantment. The colour blue is used to visually represent this relationship, as well as the mystery and complexity of the human experience. 

The paintings are truly unique and unlike any other, capturing the beauty and wildness of the creatures. They are vivid and alive with Mccreedy’s blue colour, texture, and emotion. The artist has an uncanny ability to capture the spirit of the animal, creating a mesmerizing and captivating work of art. Every painting is a unique representation of the animal and no two are ever the same.

Throughout the narrative of this body of work the blue colour palette is used to convey a sense of desire and awe. The cats are often seen in the artist’s vision, which gives it an otherworldly quality. The colour also serves to emphasize the contrast between the human world and the wild animal's world. The signature Mccreedy palette helps to create a dream-like atmosphere as if the two worlds are connected in some way. 

His colour is also used to convey the emotions of the characters. When Mccreedy is feeling sad or lost, and in contrast, when he is feeling hopeful and determined, the blue palette helps to emphasize these emotions. 

His use of his blue in the “Alter Ego Wildlife” is a powerful tool to explore the complex relationship between one self and a wild animal, the patterns in blue help to emphasize the mystery and complexity of the human experience, as well as the contrast between the human world and the wild animal's world. Mccreedy is able to effectively tell a story about the power of connection and the beauty of the natural world.




My Blue Narrative